Mono Edge 4G/5G Core
Create a telecom-grade service environment with high performance, low latency, high bandwidth, with rapid download of content, services, and applications in the network.
This powerful combination of Edge and Monogoto’s cloud extends or simulates multiple cellular connectivity use cases, combining both private and public networks.
Self-service self-configure Monogoto's console with Edge
- Cost efficiency: Over time, private LTE networks can be cost-effective compared to other communication technologies.
- Easy deployments: Monogoto's Edge is very easy to deploy. It can be run on a bare metal machine or VM or an AWS instance.
- Local breakout: Skip unnecessary backhaul traffic and deliver user traffic to the internet at the most efficient and cost-effective location.
- Vendor-agnostic: Monogoto interoperates with a broad range of radio equipment to enjoy enhanced flexibility.
- API support: Web Config App is used to get the runtime status of the edge.
- Predictable performance: Organizations can control and prioritize network traffic, ensuring that critical applications receive the necessary bandwidth and performance.
High-level solution
Plug & play
Easy to use
IoT devices transition between
private and public networks
Get Your Monogoto Edge Today
Monogoto edge
Monogoto's SIM
Ten physical or eSIMs
Monogoto's cloud
Cloud subscription with 10 SIMs
Per Month
- Bring your own radio.
- Ten SIMs included.
- Contact Sales for additional SIMs.
- Customer is responsible for radio mounting, backhaul and frequency.
- Hardware owned by Monogoto. Hardware required to be returned upon end of service.
- Number of kits is limited.
- Six months minimum commitment, thereafter monthly.​
- Customer required to sign Monogoto's standard terms and conditions.
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